Emi Hosotsuji
Expansive Evolution with Emi - Guide for Personal and Systems Transformation
I am a woman of colour, a child of Japanese immigrants, living in Canada, raised in both cultural contexts.
Offers: A live or recorded 1:1 video reading
Specialties: Foundation and introductory reading of human design, healing readings and manifestation readings.
Contact: [email protected]
Instagram: @expansive.evolution
Language: English
Price: $220 (USD)

Learn More about Emi
Emi is a 2/5 Splenic Manifestor. She is a coach for personal, organisational and systems transformation. She combines her wealth of experience as a group process facilitator, community organizer, and innovation manager with her rich personal experiences of healing through trauma, and navigating systemic oppression as a woman of colour being raised in North America. She has founded and led organisations and departments with visionary mindset with a keen eye for equity, strategic and systems thinking and a contientious, participatory leadership style with her staff. Ultimately, her passion is to support her Human Design clients along their journeys of expansive evolution. She is a natural systems thinker and critically understands how the world around us has influenced us to become people we weren't meant to be. She offers readings with care, trauma sensitivity, humour and keeping it real! She loves using Human Design to remind clients about their true nature, so that they can step into their most expansive selves. Her vision is to live in a world filled with people who are living in alignment with their true nature, thereby making this world a more just, thriving, safe and joyful place to live in.
"Emi, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reading last night! It was brilliant and informative on SO MANY levels! I looooved learning more about myself!
Although it was only a one hour session, the information you shared was so profound! This was my first Human Design experience and you made it really wonderful and comfortable. Your knowledge and passion for the field really came through as you shared our charts with us.
I am soooo keen to learn more about myself and the world of human design. I will DEFINITELY be booking another session with you soon!
The insight that you provided was soooo enlightening and helpful, I already feel myself trying to apply what I've learned to my daily life and interactions.
- Ximena
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