
What if there was a way to understand the mystery of a Manifestor without having to learn the whole Human Design system?

Manifestors are easily among the most commonly misunderstood energy types. 
It isn't because people don't TRY to understand us. It is simply that there is so much mystery surrounding a Manifestor aura that has yet to be explained in a way we can all understand.

Until NOW.

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A Guide to Manifestors

A digital guide designed to help non-Manifestors understand the Manifestor energy and love us well!
This if for you if:
  • You are a Manifestor who wants a simple guide to understanding yourself
  • You are a Manifestor who wants to share it with your family, friends, colleagues, partners - anyone in your life!
  • You are a parent to a Manifestor or you have a Manifestor parent
  • Your colleague, boss or staff member is a Manifestor
  • You are married to/partnered with a Manifestor
  • You coach a Manifestor

This comprehensive 25+ page Guide to Manifestors brings you the key tips you need to know about Manifestors, as well as a detailed breakdown of the different relationship types (parenting a Manifestor child, coaching a Manifestor, etc) and how to navigate each of them.

If you need to know more, keep scrolling.
Ready now? Hit 'buy now'!

Price: $9.95AUD (inc tax)
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If you need a simple, straightforward tool to help you understand Manifestors, stay right here....

Perhaps you are here because you are a Manifestor yourself and you are looking for insights.

Or maybe you are in need of a resource to give to the people around you so they can understand you better. 
Perhaps you aren’t a Manifestor at all, but rather a beloved Generator, Projector, MG or Reflector.

If you are looking for an authentic, practical, real behind the scenes look at how a Manifestor works so you can connect better with that Manifestor in your life (even if that Manifestor is you), this guide will help you to not only see Manifestors more clearly, but will also provide you with detailed assistance on how to better love your Manifestor in whatever relationship dynamic you are in.

Why bother buying a guide when you can figure it out for yourself, right?


Good point! Except you can't.

Most teachings in the Human Design system (and from almost all Human Design teachers) do not encompass the true experience of being a Manifestor. We are a deeply nuanced energy type. Mostly it comes down to our closed aura - meaning anyone outside the closed aura genuinly has no chance of knowing how we operate becuase they can't see IN.

That is why you need to learn about Manifestors from a Manifestor.

I have dedicated my life and my business to the mastery of my own mani energy, and then teaching everything I know to a community of searching Manifestors.

Still not convinced?
I am a Manifestor in a marriage, a Manifestor who has a Manifestor parent, a Manifestor with a Manifestor child, my best friend is a Manifestor and I am a Manifestor who runs a team of staff who are all Manifestors.

What I don't know about being in any kind of relationship with a Manifestor would fill a thimble.

This guide is not another empty instagram post about how Manifestors need independance or about how they need to find peace. In fact, the 25 pages of information in this guide are insights that you will never have heard anywhere else.

Why? Becuase I am a Manifestor and I know what it is like to be one and to help others understand one. 


Plus….this epic bonus!

Purchasing the Manifestor Money Moguls also gets you an exclusive invitation to The Manifestor Network Facebook group.
This group is unlike any other Facebook group you have ever been in. It’s a supportive, genuine, teaching Facebook group just for Manifestors who want real community because Manifestors don’t need another spammy group! Plus, you’ll get to use the #moneymoguls in so that Holly answer all your questions.


Price: $9.95AUD (inc tax)

Get the Guide!

Here’s how we view sales at The Manifestor Community – every sale should always be about what is most aligned for you as the customer. We want you to make the investment decision that is correct for you. Not for your friends, your coach, for us or for your partner. The one that is right for YOU. 

Simply, we don't want you buying anything from us if it’s not 100% correct for your energy to do so. It doesn’t matter if that’s a $10 investment or a $5000 investment. We can’t help each person 1:1 to make the right choice (no sales calls around here!) so we’re dedicated to making free resources that support you in the decision making process. You’ll find free video walkthroughs for each of our high investment products, and we hope they help!

But we also have a totally free Decision Guide! 

This guide is like a Choose Your Own Adventure - dive into your inner authority type with our interactive guide. You get:

  • Audio Teachings: Get personalized 20-30 minute audio teachings from experts who share YOUR inner authority type! No textbook stuff here – just real-life wisdom from those who've been there.
  • A PDF on Definition and Authority: Understand how your energetic definition influences your decision-making process on a deeper level.

We worked with the incredible Vanesshenry and Taylor V to bring you the most authentic how-to guide for Manifestor inner authorities, alongside my own voice.

Download it here!

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