
Ready for Manifestor Mastery? 

This information will PROPEL you FORWARD in career, relationships & life.


  • Empower yourself with the knowledge to radically propel your life in the direction you choose?
  • Finally know why you came to this life as a Manifestor with your specific design?
  • Learn and integrate HOW you can truly make your own rules and live life in the way you choose to?
  • Master your Manifestor energy in life and business?
This program will give you security, safety and comfort in knowing how to be a Manifestor in your life, your business, your career, your relationships...everywhere!
see the full details on both options

Let's be real for a second Manifestors...

  • I know you have been trying to soak up all that free information on being a Manifestor, but it doesn’t seem to be enough to help you get aligned
  • Maybe you’ve even had a chart reading which gave you a good understanding of your design, but you know there is so much more to learn and integrate 
  • You tried to work out how to inform, how to use your authority to make decisions and your Rest Cycles, but it just never seems to comes together
  • It feels impossible to break past your old conditioning of trying to be a Generator and pushing through your Rest Cycle 
  • You know in theory you need to keep following your Creative Urges, but trying to do that feels overwhelming and unsafe
  • You keep looping in your own unaligned cycles, wondering how other Manifestors can just follow their Creative Urges and make it in their life and their business
  • You so want to feel that limitless potential and power that you’re told Manifestors have, but you don’t know how to bridge the gap from where you are to there
  • You know you’re here to have a huge impact on the world, but you are nowhere near that and you don't know how to get there

We’ve now made Manifestor Mastery more customized than ever before.

Now you can choose the level of support and tailor your own financial investment!

ADD ON - 1:1 Support Calls Package

Feel like you want extra touch support while you go through the program or the certification?
We’ve got you covered.


Check it out!

ADD ON - Group Voxer Support Package

But hey, you want the support but aren’t into 1:1 calls?
That’s cool too.


Group Chat is me!

Don’t need anything more than the group calls every second month and the Facebook group?
Great. Keep your costs low!

Show me the options

If you are still in that place of...

  • Being too afraid, cautious or resentful to speak your mind
  • Competing with others and comparing yourself to the way others do things, 
    even though you know you’re here to do things differently
  • Not knowing how to initiate or manifest anything for yourself
  • Not honouring your rest cycle so you are constantly tired
  • Doubting your insights, knowledge, experiences and wisdom 
  • Stuck doing work you hate because you're told or feel you "have to" 
  • Feeling like no one understands you and you don’t genuinely understand yourself either
  • Making your desires small in the hope that they are more achievable 


A 4/6 Splenic Manifestor who is dedicated to teaching and supporting Manifestors to succeed by breaking the rules. Holly comes from a 15 year history in multimillion dollar business ownership, and has taught thousands of Manifestors into methods of alignment through her programs.




A 3/5 Emotional Manifestor who uses her powerful initiating energy as a Mindset Mentor and Human Design Guide to create life-changing impact for those she serves. She specializes in helping others get out of their own way to get what they want in every area of their life.


A 2/5 Emotional Manifestor teaching you how to decondition from societal expectations and create a roadmap back to trust, loving in the present moment and to being authentically, gracefully you! Rachael also enjoys teaching yoga, exploring new parts of the world and chasing the sunshine with her 2 small dogs.



A 2/4 Splenic Manifestor who is passionate about helping others live an aligned and balanced life through coaching, healing and teaching. Ryan lost 130lbs in a sustainable way and found awareness of his own emotional issues. Now able to live a much more joyful and aligned life, Ryan is excited to help others do the same. 


A powerful 5/1 Manifestor who specializes in Human Design & Gene Keys readings specifically for business, manifestation & discovering your life purpose. Tayee loves working with the "woo woo" side of entrepreneurship but in a completely practical & down to earth way.

I know this to be true:


Limitless success in this life and more abundance than you can currently imagine is possible for you.

A business that honours your Manifestor energy & uniqueness is possible for you. 

Clarity on why you came to this life as a Manifestor and how the pieces of your design can work together to support your success is possible for you. 

Breakthroughs in long-held mental & emotional patterns (the kind of breakthroughs that significantly expand your ability to experience self-freedom and peace!) are possible for you.

More power, more initiations, more money, and more confidence is possible for you.

And what I also know is...

It takes a strong commitment, a deep connection to yourself, the support of other Manifestors on the journey and the knowledge and life integration time you've been missing.

It takes saying YES to the journey of where your soul wants to take you in this life.

Are you ready?

Video Poster Image

Video Walkthrough of the ENTIRE MM product

If you’ve ever wanted to know EXACTLY what you’re getting before you buy something, you’ll want to sign up for this. In this video, I go through exactly what you’ll get when you sign up to the Manifestor Mastery Program.

PLUS you’ll also receive 3 lessons from the program absolutely free, so you can try before you buy!


What this program delivers

  • The only fully comprehensive Human Design and Gene Keys training (& optional certification) that is Manifestor-focused. There is NO OTHER program in existence like this ANYWHERE. This is the home of Manifestor growth and (dare I say it)...true mastery.
  • A literal one stop shop. This program covers every single thing about the Manifestor journey to alignment and power. Nothing is missed.
  • No pressure, no push. You go at your own pace, there are rest weeks built in, you have no obligation to do anything everrrrrrr. Full autonomy, full support for your peace and energy.
  • If you choose the Certification option: this is the pathway to become a chart reader, with a unique speciality in Manifestors that is not available anywhere else. You not only learn, heal, and grow yourself, you also have a direct avenue to income by becoming a chart reader to The Manifestor Community once you graduate!
  • A container of security and certainty. You will not get lost, you will not feel like something is missing. You will have everything you need to learn who you are and how to use that for alignment, abundance, impact and success.
  • Multiple levels of optional support so you can take the path that feels good - and even change your mind along the way!
  • A push into quantum growth like you have NEVER experienced. This activating, transformative environment made up of the teachings, the practical transmissions and the team of teachers, facilitators, alumni, fellow students and Holly Maree will initiate you into the full embodiment of your own power as a Manifestor. This space is potent!

"The MMC course is nothing short of AMAZING! Holly is an incredible mentor & I found her way of articulating information BEAUTIFUL!! Her energy is also so very calming & peaceful which makes listening to her teaching that much more enjoyable! I completely recommend this course to any Manifestor. It REVEALS EVERYTHING you could think of about being a Manifestor, they really don't miss a thing!! You won't regret purchasing the course. Thank you Holly & team, this has been an incredible journey & I TRULY feel so much more EQUIPPED to take on the world and sell my business to the perfect clients now!!... On my own TIME, with my own RULES, the MANIFESTOR way lol :)))"

- Phoebe

"It has kind of changed everything in my life and the way I go about it! You have put into words what I always felt I was, but felt very wrong about (comparing myself to the rest of the world) Now I feel safe and secure in being me. So with everything I do I integrate my new knowledge. I can’t really pinpoint anything as it is all of it. Everything resonated with me, HD and this MMC has been a game changer"


"The depth of knowledge and the way that form and function complemented each other are the two things I found most brilliant about this course. As 7-9% of the population, the world doesn’t actually support our design-and worse!-it uses language like it does-so, as Manifestors we are constantly having to use so much energy to inform &/or put up with projections, being subtly gaslit, & not getting our needs met. This experience supported my design and gave me a beautiful balance between flow & structure to meet my personal goals as a student"

This is the most detailed, comprehensive teaching on being a Manifestor that is available ANYWHERE and teaches you the exact process for Manifestor alignment that took me 2 years to discover. It will give you knowledge, wisdom and grounding for every level you move into in your life, not just right now but for your future Manifestor self too!
This is not another teaching that tells you what system to follow or what actions to take to create success. It is not ‘Holly’s’ strategy that tells you what to do to be successful. 
It is a program that gives you the insight you need to learn who you are, and then how to use that for alignment, success and abundance. 
You’ll learn only the things you need so your time and energy isn’t wasted and you can discern what your impact is and how you’re here to change the world.

What does the Manifestor Mastery Program & Certification look like?

There are two tracks to choose from...

1. Manifestor Mastery:
Includes all 3 levels of teaching; Manifestor Fundamentals, Manifestor Business + Manifestor Advanced Healing.

2. Manifestor Mastery Advanced Certification:
Includes all 3 levels of teaching listed above, PLUS becoming a certified Human Design and Gene Keys reader, with a specialty in Manifestors. Each level will include assessments with feedback from our co-facilitators to certify you as a specialist.


Both options have access to group calls every 2 months.

If you choose the Manifestor Mastery Program option, feel free to go at your own pace and simply apply the learnings to your life and business as you see fit. The certification has more set dates to complete assessments, though there are still rest times built in. The program is designed for Manifestors by Manifestors, after all! 

Level 1: Fundamentals

Level 1 is all about the Fundamentals of Human Design for those of you wanting to get aligned as a Manifestor in your personal life.

Module 1

Overview of the Manifestor Energy including Energy Cycles, Roles, Sleep, Food, Exercise, Menstrual Cycles and the Creation Tether

Module 2

What Manifestor Alignment looks like, including our Signature Theme, Not Self Theme and Strategy

Module 3

All about the Inner Authorities, specifically from the perspective of a Manifestor

Module 4

This module takes a deep dive into the Nine Energy Centres, what they mean and how they influence you on a day-to-day basis

Module 5

So much mystery surrounds the profile lines so this module covers the profile lines individually, together and grounded in the understanding of being a Manifestor

Module 6

Manifestor Conditioning and Deconditioning

Module 7 & 8

Gates, Astrology + Shadows

Module 9

Submit Level 1 Certification Reading (if you are on the Certification track)

Level 2: Manifestor Business

Level 2 is all about Manifestors and Business for those in business wanting to align their design with business success (or Manifestors who want to start a business)

Module 1
Manifestors in Business, Signature Theme + Success, Staffing, Energy Cycles in Business

Module 2
Informing, Innner Authorities + Profiles in Business

Module 3
Business HD Charts, Program/Product Charts, Connection Charts in Business

Module 4
Branding, Audience, Mission, Money Codes

Module 5
Manifestor Relationship to Money, Sales Strategy for Manifestors

Module 6
Social Media, Business Schedules + Workflows, Business Structure + Pricing

Module 7
Manifestation in Business, Manifestation Variable

Module 8
Final Reading/Test Submission if you are on the Certification track

Level 3: Manifestor Advanced Healing

Level 3 offers the opportunity for mastery of your Human Design for those wanting to fully activate their power, know their Gene Keys sequencing, heal the shadows keeping them limited, align their physical bodies, awaken their relationships and guide others through the same journey

Module 1
The difference between coaching, mentoring and teaching for Manifestors

Module 2
Connection Charts, Transit Charts, Handling Triggers + Shadows (The Venus Sequence)

Module 3
PHS overview: Digestion, Determination, Environment, Cognition and Perspective

Module 4
Manifestors in Relationships and communication styles that create intimacy and connection

Module 5
Families In Human Design (Family Penta) + Manifestors As Parents and Children

Module 6

Healing Modalities for Manifestors, How to Serve Manifestors, Connecting With Your Unique Purpose (Incarnation Crosses and Genius Sequence)

Module 7
Final Reading/Test Submission if you are on the Certification track

Plus a new bonus!

Catalytic Communion workshops

Something NEW is being added to Manifestor Mastery! 

For any new, current or graduated students of Manifestor Mastery, there is now going to be a FREE invitation to attend 3 Catalytic Communion workshops over the coming 7 months. Each of these workshops is designed to help you INTEGRATE and EMBODY - the cornerstones of true transformation and transmutation. 

Join Taylor V and Holly Maree as we teach on selected aspects of our own individual designs, and how we have integrated it and are embodying it in our expression. Then each participant will be guided through selecting a specific area of their design, and learning how to embody it.

These workshops will be FREE for any past or current student of Manifestor Mastery.




$2,999 USD

PAY IN FULL (Inc. Tax)



$255 USD x month




$4,899 USD

PAY IN FULL (Inc. Tax)



$418 USD x month



*There is an option to pay in AUD, only if you live in Australia or New Zealand. Please contact our team for the link.



Please note that payment plans are a legally binding contract of payment. All payments must be met on time and in full. Please ONLY choose the payment plan option if you can ensure that you will have the monthly funds available. If you do not, please do not purchase. Our products are evergreen and you are not missing out by not purchasing now. We do not encourage scarcity spending, or putting yourself in financial distress.

We’ve now made Manifestor Mastery more customized than ever before.

You choose your level of support and tailor your own financial investment!

ADD ON - 1:1 Support Calls Package

Feel like you want extra touch support while you go through the program or the certification?
We’ve got you covered.


Check it out!

ADD ON - Group Voxer Support Package

But hey, you want the support but aren’t into 1:1 calls?
That’s cool too.


Group Chat is me!

Don’t need anything more than the group calls every second month and the Facebook group?
Great. Keep your costs low!

Full Program Option Breakdown

This is a list of EVERYTHING you will receive depending on which option you choose, Manifestor Mastery or Manifestor Mastery Advanced Certification:

Manifestor Mastery Includes:
  • 99 teaching videos with accompanying optional worksheets and online quizzes. 
  • Download and print the content slides to keep.
  • 3 levels (1 - Manifestor Fundamentals, 2 - Manifestor Business, 3 - Manifestor Advanced Healing).
  • Graduate with a wealth of knowledge about alignment and success as a Manifestor, as well as deep knowledge on the HD system, PHS and Gene Keys.
  • Community Integration Calls with Holly every second month!
  • An active Facebook group to answer your questions.
Manifestor Mastery Advanced Certification Includes:
  • 99 teaching videos with accompanying optional worksheets and online quizzes.
  • Download and print the content slides to keep.
  • 3 levels (1 - Manifestor Fundamentals, 2 - Manifestor Business, 3 - Manifestor Advanced Healing)
  • Graduate with a wealth of knowledge about alignment and success as a Manifestor, as well as deep knowledge on the HD system, PHS and Gene Keys - at the level of knowledge needed to be a HD and GK chart reader with a specialty in Manifestors.
  • Teaching video on ‘How to structure different levels of readings. Foundation, intermediate, advanced.’
  • An advanced video teaching library of 6 additional in-depth teachings on gates, channels, circuits, transit charts, and more.
  • Certification assessments to be submitted at each level (with feedback from from our dedicated certification support teachers) that certify you as a HD reader and Manifestor specialist.
  • Invitation to be a paid chart reader to The Manifestor Community where you get paid when community members book a session with you!
  • A team of Manifestor alumni to support your journey through Community Integration calls every second month (led by Holly!)
  • An active Facebook group to answer your questions.

“The Manifestor Mastery Certification (MMC) is titled "certification" but it is much more than that. To me, it felt like a doctorate degree (in the best of ways) that has equipped me for life to be the best aligned Manifestor I can be.

In more ways than one, MMC has been a catalyst to my personal and business initiations that will have beautiful positive repercussions in this world - that I know."


"The energy of the course itself, including Holly's teachings and the support of the Student Teachers was nothing short of astounding. The intentionality behind the platform, teachings, and level of support was evident and I am truly happy I signed up to this program.”


“MMC Round 2 has been THE best thing I have done. The content is absolute quality, the support calls always super helpful and encouraging, and the reading assessments have been so fun to put together. I'm super excited to see where all of this helps to take me in the coming months and years! Thank you Holly and Ryan for all your support. It's been a powerful and shifting experience.”


Here’s how we view sales at The Manifestor Community – every sale should always be about what is most aligned for you as the customer. We want you to make the investment decision that is correct for you. Not for your friends, your coach, for us or for your partner. The one that is right for YOU. 

Simply, we don't want you buying anything from us if it’s not 100% correct for your energy to do so. It doesn’t matter if that’s a $10 investment or a $5000 investment. We can’t help each person 1:1 to make the right choice (no sales calls around here!) so we’re dedicated to making free resources that support you in the decision making process. You’ll find free video walkthroughs for each of our high investment products, and we hope they help!

But we also have a totally free Decision Guide! 

This guide is like a Choose Your Own Adventure - dive into your inner authority type with our interactive guide. You get:

  • Audio Teachings: Get personalized 20-30 minute audio teachings from experts who share YOUR inner authority type! No textbook stuff here – just real-life wisdom from those who've been there.
  • A PDF on Definition and Authority: Understand how your energetic definition influences your decision-making process on a deeper level.

We worked with the incredible Vanesshenry and Taylor V to bring you the most authentic how-to guide for Manifestor inner authorities, alongside my own voice.

Download it here!

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