
#176 Manifestors and Responding

Season #4

Before you even knew you were a Manifestor, you probably knew that you hated responding. To questions, to social media, to long boring forms, to school, to work…..all of it. 


Manifestors are definitely not responsive beings by society’s standards! As non Sacrals with a heavy, dense aura, responding feels like we are pulling ourselves through mud for no reward. 


But are there ways that Manifestors are actually designed to respond? Are there healthy spaces for us to respond in? There sure is. Join me in this podcast episode as I open the doorway to why we struggle with responding, and where our responsive energy is really designed to go.


P.S. We have 30% off Manifestor Mastery (program and certification options) for the next couple of days! Why? Because this baby is undergoing a makeover and will be archived while we touch her up and re-release her with a new format.


If you’ve been wanting to invest in Manifestor Mastery, now is the perfect time to do it, with hundreds (or even a thousand) dollars in savings available. Click here to check it out!

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