
#178 Uranian Umami

Season #4

The series continues as Taylor shares another aspect of her human design that changed everything. You might be surprised that this one actually has more to do with the astrology aspect of human design. It’s a unique one.


Getting a chart reading is imperative in your Human Design journey. Learnings that can take years of your own research can be shared in rapid time, and have the ability to change your entire life. 


The Manifestor Blueprint is a 50+ page custom, personalized, pdf chart reading that is your most straightforward, direct, informative gateway to learning about your own energy. The Manifestor Blueprints cover every aspect of your design that you need to unlock the power of this system’s information and start seeing real change in your life.

This is a deep, big interpretation of your chart that is designed to be your Manifestor bible. All in a printable, digital book that you can print, keep and use for years. 

Grab it here!

Connect with co-host Taylor

Instagram @hellotaylorv 

Work with Taylor 


Apply to Work with Taylor Privately

Book Excerpt: Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas

Grab Your Manifestor Blueprint Here  


Learn more about co-host Taylor

Taylor is a 1/3 Emo Manifestor, a mentor, teacher, and strategist who is made to catalyze anyone into new dimensions of authenticity whether in business or life. Her aim is that we all experience wealth in every dimension.