
Money and business go hand in hand, and Manifestors don’t fit the norm for either...

So how do we manifest a business that thrives AND get the money we need?

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Manifestor Business Bundle

If you are a Manifestor just starting out in business…

Or a Manifestor dreaming of leaving your job to start a business…

Or a Manifestor who is in a business that just isn’t going the way you thought it would…

You probably should scroll down and check out the Manifestor Business Bundle!

**Price is inclusive of tax**

$777 or pay in payments with Paypal Pay in 4, if you have a personal account in AU, the USA, and the UK. Choose "Paypal Pay in 4" when you checkout with Paypal.

The Manifestor Business Bundle is...

A digital bundle designed to provide you everything you need to start getting into alignment as a Manifestor in business.

It covers:

Energy cycle, Informing, Offer creation, Content creation,  Social media, Nicheing, Branding, Messaging, Audience, Launching, Money mindset, Money fears, Money manifestation and more….

It includes: 
  • Access to the replay of the Manifestor Business Workshop
  • *NEW* Access to the replay of the full Launch Reboot course
  • *NEW* Recording on Mastering Social Media as a Manifestor (coming October 2022)
  • A Manifestor business hypnosis
  • A FULL custom chart reading pdf

Wanna know if this is for you, Manifestor?


You’re smart (all Manifestors are!) so you’ve already worked out that business can make you money without working 40 hours a week...but you’re not seeing many Manifestors out there actually doing it.

So how do you manifest a business that thrives and gets the money we need?

You’re capable (all Manifestors are!) so you’ve already seen that all the business strategy is for Generators or MGs with that consistent Sacral energy.

But what about your energy and strategy as a Manifestor?

You’re willing to try (seriously, all Manifestors are!) so you’ve already experimented and started questioning how the hell do you show up on social media as a Manifestor when you don’t want to inform and you get tired?

Heck, maybe you haven’t even dipped your toes in the business waters yet (I wouldn’t blame you!) but you hate being in a job with a boss and know it isn’t right for you, but also don’t know exactly how to do business as a Manifestor and make money.

I mean, how do you even make money during a Rest Cycle?!

The Business Bundle is PERFECT for Manifestors...

All the business courses just teach the same things...which works for everyone else, but not the 9% of the population that are Manifestors. 
Here’s the deal:
  • I want you to have what you need for business and for money. 
  • I want you to feel safe to trust yourself as a Manifestor in business. 
  • I want you to know exactly how to bring it all together - the business, the money and the energy of a Manifestor.
THAT is exactly why the Manifestor Business Bundle was created! 

Still into it? Keep reading….

What if I don't have a business yet but want to start one? Is this bundle still good for me?

YES! You don't need a fully established business for this bundle to be helpful for you, but you DO need an idea for a business.

When we create your custom business chart, we need a "birth date" for your business which can simply be the date and time you decided to go into business or when your idea first came to you.

What will you get from this?


This 1 hour teaching (and bonus 1 hour Q&A replay) is soooo full of value.

It teaches you:

  • In depth learning on Manifestor energy in business
  • Niching and Business Challenges for Manifestors
  • Content creation + offer creation
  • Gene Keys Pearl sequence for your unique Brand, Audience, Message and Money relationship


 The course call (replays) are all about the teaching. Over two big weeks I will teach you how to be in alignment with your Manifestor energy while launching, how to find launch strategies that work for you and how to interpret Human Design charts for an easy roadmap to your launch. These teachings include a Launch Strategy pdf for you to keep as you learn through all the different strategies.

It also includes an expansive integration teaching from guest Manifestors who successfully launch in their businesses. Learn from 2/4  Manifestor Rubeena Ianigro (founder of The Aura Market and The Gray Muse) on how to launch physical products. Then deepen your learning with 5/1 Manifestor Claire Mockridge (a pelvic floor and Restorative Exercise specialist) as she teaches you how she launches in the health and wellness industry.


The full custom reading of your chart includes:

  • Using your defined energy centres in your business
  • Your decision making strategy in business
  • Using your life purpose in your business (using your Incarnation Cross)
  • Using your profile in your business
  • A full HD blueprint for the energy of your business itself
  • A full business connection chart to see where you are sharing and borrowing energy from your business
  • The profile of your business
  • The purpose of your business (using the Incarnation Cross)
  • Gene Key mapping for your ideal Brand, your engaged Audience, your powerful Message and your aligned Money relationship


Download your Manifestor Business Hypnosis to deeply integrate your vision of business.

This hypnosis is programmed to shift your subconscious patterns (those ones that are holding you stuck) and move you effortlessly into the reality of the business you desire through neural reprogramming.

Business Bundle Video Walkthrough

Here at Team Holly Maree we are all about full disclosure, so you can grab this totally FREE behind-the-scenes look into EVERYTHING that is included in the Manifestor Business Bundle before you buy!

Get the Walkthrough

"Holly helped me figure out where to even start! I’ve had tons of business ideas but no plan. We had so much fun talking and she is so helpful to help Target right where I needed to go. If you are worried about talking on the phone with people, like I am. She is absolutely amazing and fun to top it all off!"


"I’m constantly blown away by her knowledge on all things spiritual. She has given me so many tools and practices to use, all of which are PRICELESS! I truly can’t say enough wonderful things about Holly. I’m forever grateful for her, and the ways she is changing my life!!"

"Working with Holly has changed my life. And that’s not an exaggeration, it’s just the truth. Not only have I been able to tune into my intuition more, set a spiritual foundation for my business, and create content in a way that energizes me, but I’ve been able to feel ease and joy and alignment throughout it all!
She combines the Spiritual and Business worlds, into one beautiful cohesive package that makes it easy to understand and apply. I have learned so much about business strategy, and doing it in a way that is organic and in alignment with my soul and my purpose."

"I have had the privilege to get to know Holly Maree from two different programs that I have signed up for. The first was the Abundance Collective where I was invited to continue doing the inner work which ultimately helped me grow my business and learn how to manifest abundance in my business. This training taught me that ease, flow and abundance are the secret tools for business success. No longer am I struggling to sign clients or feel forced or awkward in how I show up to my audience and clients.  Holly is a lightworker, a goddess, and a businesswoman who has BEEN THERE DONE THAT – by sharing her experience along with her tools you will find yourself inspired, transforming, and like WHOA – this is AMAZING!!! Don’t wait – Holly’s courses are inspiring, fun filled, and well taught."


Pay in Full $777 (inc tax)

$777 or pay in payments with Paypal Pay in 4, if you have a personal account in AU, the USA, and the UK. Choose "Paypal Pay in 4" when you checkout with Paypal.


Why bother buying this bundle instead of all the other business teachings out there...

I don’t even need to guess to know this is what you are feeling right now in your business, mani…

  • All the business strategy is for Generators or MGs with that consistent Sacral energy. It doesn’t work for you, right? What about Manifestors?
  • You keep getting told that you can just speak and manifest whatever you want, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in your business
  • You hate being in a job with a boss and know it isn’t right for you, but also don’t know exactly how to do business as a Manifestor and make money
  • How do you even make money during a Rest Cycle?
  • You know your money mindset needs work, but you’re sick of trying to work out how to do that from instagram quotes
  • You feel like money mindset is different for Manifestors, and you know you need to work on your money story, but where do you even start?
  • How the hell do you show up on social media as a Manifestor when you don’t want to inform and you get tired?
  • You don’t know how to create actual offers from your Creative Urges
  • You don’t know how to listen to your inner voice to actually understand what your message or your brand should be
  • You can’t wrap your head around nicheing - everyone tells you that you need it but how do you do that when you chop and change what you are creating all the time?
  • How do you nurture an audience as a Manifestor when it is so tiring and angering to engage all the time?

What do you get out of it?


You can stop searching for all the other ‘answers’ to why your business isn’t working, and just listen to the teaching that actually applies to you as a Manifestor.

You can stop investing money in everyone else who has ‘the secret to business success’ and learn where to find the secrets within your own energy and design.

Want to feel peaceful, free and wealthy in your business? Yep. That too.

Rest, Manifestor. You can get actual rest! Stop chasing, pushing, trying and demanding that you work harder just to get somewhere.

Final healing of your money story and money fears. This alone will revolutionise your entire future.

A clear roadmap to exactly what breadcrumbs you left for yourself within your design so that you COULD achieve all these desires sitting on your heart.

A way to do it differently from everyone else. You didn’t come here to do business like everyone else on the planet, Manifestor.

You came here to make your own rules. Find out how to do that and make money for it.

Plus….this epic bonus!

Purchasing the Manifestor Money Moguls also gets you an exclusive invitation to The Manifestor Network Facebook group.
This group is unlike any other Facebook group you have ever been in. It’s a supportive, genuine, teaching Facebook group just for Manifestors who want real community because Manifestors don’t need another spammy group! Plus, you’ll get to use the #moneymoguls in so that Holly answer all your questions.

Want to level up your money as well as your business? Check out MANIFESTOR MONEY MOGULS

Pay in Full $2,499 AUD (inc tax)

$777 or pay in payments with Paypal Pay in 4, if you have a personal account in AU, the USA, and the UK. Choose "Paypal Pay in 4" when you checkout with Paypal.


Here’s how we view sales at The Manifestor Community – every sale should always be about what is most aligned for you as the customer. We want you to make the investment decision that is correct for you. Not for your friends, your coach, for us or for your partner. The one that is right for YOU. 

Simply, we don't want you buying anything from us if it’s not 100% correct for your energy to do so. It doesn’t matter if that’s a $10 investment or a $5000 investment. We can’t help each person 1:1 to make the right choice (no sales calls around here!) so we’re dedicated to making free resources that support you in the decision making process. You’ll find free video walkthroughs for each of our high investment products, and we hope they help!

But we also have a totally free Decision Guide! 

This guide is like a Choose Your Own Adventure - dive into your inner authority type with our interactive guide. You get:

  • Audio Teachings: Get personalized 20-30 minute audio teachings from experts who share YOUR inner authority type! No textbook stuff here – just real-life wisdom from those who've been there.
  • A PDF on Definition and Authority: Understand how your energetic definition influences your decision-making process on a deeper level.

We worked with the incredible Vanesshenry and Taylor V to bring you the most authentic how-to guide for Manifestor inner authorities, alongside my own voice.

Download it here!

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